Hand painted helmet examples
The helmet or helm is situated above the shield and bears the torse and crest.
I have collected a few examples showing the variety of those heraldic helmets.
I have collected a few examples showing the variety of those heraldic helmets.
One of the fundamental rules of heraldry is that the style of helmet displayed
varies according to rank and social status.
varies according to rank and social status.
Please note that the following listed heraldry symbol descriptions and meanings have been compiled from a
variety of heraldic sources. Besides these heraldry symbols being globally used, the opinions and
interpretations between heraldic researchers may vary slightly.
variety of heraldic sources. Besides these heraldry symbols being globally used, the opinions and
interpretations between heraldic researchers may vary slightly.
References material are taken from following heraldry publications
a.) A practical manual of heraldry and of heraldic illuminations - publish 1864
b.) A dictionary of heraldry - published 1889
copyright ML Mural Art
heraldry symbols meanings - medieval knight shields
heraldry symbols meanings - medieval knight shields